标签 :知识产权;品种保护 切换pc版









今年五月,约翰·杜辛健博士被农业部部长Tom Vilsack任命为美国农业部植物新品种保护委员会成员,任期为两年。该委员会就法规条例的各相关事项向部长提供咨询,以促进植物新品种保护法案的恰当实施。






杜辛健博士曾担任绿色工业生物技术平台(一个欧洲种子与植物生物技术行业协会)主席以及国际植保协会(CropLife International)法规委员会主席。他还积极参与美国贸易发展署(USTDA)与中国农业部间的法规协调项目。


杜辛健博士在弗吉尼亚大学获得学士学位,在耶鲁大学获得了生物学硕士和博士学位,并在密歇根州立大学-美国能源部联合植物研究实验室(MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory)进行了博士后研究工作,研究方向为叶绿体生物化学和生理学。

John Duesing

Senior Research Director, Intellectual Property Asset Protection

Crop Genetics R&D, DuPont Pioneer

John Duesing leads the Intellectual Asset Protection Group of DuPont Pioneer.  The IP Asset Protection Group is accountable for global plant variety protection and for trade secret management to ensure proprietary research knowledge and germplasm is most effectively protected. This includes an active DuPont Pioneer surveillance program to detect misappropriation of germplasm. The Group contributes to a broader DuPont Pioneer effort to ensure research activities are conducted in full compliance with all agreements. Finally, members of the Group strive to be thoughtful contributors and influential partners on matters of biodiversity and the preservation of crop germplasm diversity through active engagements with diverse stakeholders and participating in important global and regional meetings.

John played pivotal roles in the design and deployment of the Stages and Gateways advance-ment system for biotech traits and of the Asia-Pacific Business Stage-Gate system for biotech product commercialization in North and South Asia. He recently led the development of the future state operational plan for the global Trait Purity program at DuPont Pioneer.

In May of this year, John was appointed by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to a two-year term as a member of the U.S. PVP Board. The Board advises the Secretary regarding various matters relating to the rules and regulations to facilitate the proper administration of the PVP Act.

John joined Pioneer in 1995 as Director for research technology and commercial licensing. He served as Six Sigma Champion for R&D from 1999 until he was named Director for research strategy, planning, and process performance in 2001. In 2005 he was promoted to senior Research director for the Regulatory Group. 

John began his career in industry with CIBA-Geigy as a biotechnology research scientist in North Carolina, where he managed the first field test of transgenic herbicide tolerant plants in 1986. He joined the Seed and Biotechnology business management in Basle, Switzerland, in 1987 and directed seed and plant biotechnology licensing, regulatory compliance and intellectual property management for over eight years. 

John served as Chair for the Green Industry Biotechnology Platform, a European seed & plant biotechnology industry association and as Chair for the CropLife International Regulatory Committee. John was also actively involved in US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) programs for regulatory engagement with the China Ministry of Agriculture. 

He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in biology from Yale University and his B.A. from University of Virginia and conducted post-doctoral research at the MSU-DOE Plant Research Lab on chloroplast biochemistry and physiology.  

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